Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bona - the next Denzel

         Unfotunately today was another day cut short because of the shortage of surgical sponges available in the hospital.  I did participate in a few cases this morning.  Mostly these cases were ENT and involved our german friends from the night before.  One particular case in which they were not involved reminded me how lucky we are in America to have resources and well trained surgeons.  This particular case involved the decision to proceed with an awake tracheostomy in a patient.  I felt that the case could have been managed differently, but in the end I can only do so much.
         After a morning of anesthesia, the day took an interesting turn.  Dr. Bona with the help of CASIEF have submitted an application for a simulation center grant.  Part of the application is a 2 minute video summarizing their proposal.  Actually, once it is all submitted, there will be a voting process and I promise you will see many facebook posts from me telling you to vote.  Since I have done so much video editing on my mac, obviously this would be an ease (hehe).  It actually was quite fun.  Bona, Christian, Faye and myself spent about an hour organizing and shooting our two minute video.  We were able to setup a model simulation center and demonstrate what the grant would go to.  We did about 3 takes of the video and I think that it turned out pretty well.  I used my camera as the video camera and Christian was able to use Powerpoint to create cue cards for Bona.  It was pretty fancy.  After the shoot, we went to Shokola lite, a local coffee house, to work on the editing.  I hope you enjoy the finished product.

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